Tuesday 11 October 2016

Do people know how lucky they are?

I just read this article
And it got my mind going on how lucky I am and how I feel about others who are less fortunate. I had a rant, it is below.

I totally agree with the need to challenge stereotypes and the western idea of masculinity. You are who you are, don't hide it. I hope that one day we can live in a world where people won't bottle up their true selves because of fear or embarrassment.

I know I'm from a privileged minority; I'm white, educated, working, fluent in the current global lingua franca, I was lucky enough to be born in a country with relative political and social stability, with access to healthcare and education, although I should point out there are people in this country who have been let down by the government and country as a whole, especially indigenous Australians. I was allowed to marry the man I love, I could have just as easily fell in love with a women and would then be subjected to a rediculous debate avout whether I could marry her. It is stupid. Love is love. Being socially privileged means I haven't walked a mile in the shoes of so many, but I genuinely empathise with them. If you are a member of the LGBTIQ community I am so sorry other people think they have a right to dictate who you can and can't marry or for that matter which bathroom you use. If you are an asylum seeker or refugee sitting in an Australian off shore detention centre I am disgusted in my government and I think it is inhumane and abhorrent you are being treated like you are. If you are an idigenous Australian, words are not enough to even try to describe how sorry I am you haven't got constitutional recognition, a treaty, or national land rights, that a white government is forcing you into living your life in a white Australia and not listening to your community on things that need a indigenous lead approach like healthcare, education and crime prevention.

This post was supposed to be about #nationalcommingoutday. But it has turned into more. I am sorry to all of those sitting in the lower rungs of the social scale, for those who deserve true equality which will only be reached through appropriate equity measures. I can never speak for any of you. But I will always listen and I am prepared to fight with you if you ask. #youhavetheagency #equityleadstoequality #iwillstandwithyouifyouaskmeto